Thursday, 9 April 2009

The smell of cinders and rain perfumed almost everything

Hi! How are you doing?

Hope you all like my new blog header photo! It is one of Julia Fullerton-Batten's who I came across a while ago online. This particular photo is from her "teenage stories" project which is a beautiful disproportionate marvel that reminds me of Alice In Wonderland in the tiny house.

(Bike Accident- Julia Fullerton-Batten)

My Easter break, as predicted has been full of study study study so I'm sure as hell hoping that good grades come out of these socially deprived hours. However, I had the pleasure of going to see "Bat For Lashes" this week which was incredible. Natasha is known for her outstanding live performances and true to the media's word, the entire performance was lively and enchanting . I fell for the "through the merchandise stall" exit and bought a Bat for lashes t-shirt which I simply adore. I love the print on it, and it's the kind of thing I would have bought if it was in a store anyhow. My parents however, seemed somewhat surprised with my purchase with a kind of .. "Oh, it's a a bears mouth......... is that not a bit...........gruesome?"

(Buy online here)

On a different note, I came across this quirky little egg and soldier set online, where the toasted soldiers travel on horseback to attack the egg castle! It is the design of London based designer Takae Mizutani and is available to buy here. It would make a pretty sweet Easter gift!

Have a wonderful day



  1. I love the header. I actually used to have that as my desktop background for a while. <3

  2. oh God, i love the banner of yours!
    so cool!
    and well, happy easter! :D

    oh, and dont forget to visit my blog too, sweetie. would be a pleasant to meet you there.


  3. oh man, that egg and soldiers set is wicked.

  4. That egg and biscotti holder are so adorable.

  5. The banner is so cute. I wish I could take photos like that!

  6. thanks for the images, its the first i've seen julia fullerton-batten's work. so, many thanks! xo
